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>From: elder@bullet.ecf (ELDER J David)
Subject: Item lists
Originator: elder@bullet.ecf.toronto.edu
This list was posted to a mailing list that I used to follow. It covers
costs and weights for a variety of common items. Although the
terminology is reminiscent of AD&D I feel it could be used in any
fantasy environment with only a small amount of conversion.
I have found it useful for stocking stores and generally for
the concept of product availability. Recently, I saw a number of posts
asking for such a list and as I did not keep their email addresses
I decided to post the item list. Please refer follow up questions
and comments to the original author - his name and email address
are at the bottom of the item list - Enjoy.
(aka Forrst Ranger/Cleric/Part-time Mage)
Well this is it use what you can.
The Monetary System
The basic unit of exchange is the electrum piece. There are coins of lesser
and greater value,and these are shown on the table below.
10 brass pieces (b.p.) =1 c.p.
10 copper pieces (c.p.) =1 s.p.
10 silver pieces (s.p.) =1 e.p.
10 electrum pieces (e.p.) =1 g.p.
10 gold pieces (g.p.) =1 p.p.
10 platinum piece (p.p.) =1 rich person
Thus: 1 p.p.= 10 g.p.= 100 e.p.= 1000 s.p.= 10,000 c.p.=100,000 b.p.
It is assumed that the size and weight of each coin is relatively equal to
each other coin regardless of type. Ten coins are equal to one pound.
Player Character Starting Money
Cleric 30-180 e.p. (3d6)
Fighter 50-200 e.p. (5d4)
Magic-User 10-100 e.p. (1d10)
Thief 20-120 e.p. (2d6)
Monk 5-20 e.p. (5d4)
Armor Cost Weight Notes
Banded ....................... 90 e.p. 350 cn. 4
Bronze Plate ................ 100 e.p. 450 cn. 4
Chain ........................ 75 e.p. 300 cn. 5
Gauntlets,leather ............. 2 e.p. 20 cn. -
Gauntlets,chain mail .......... 5 e.p. 25 cn. -
Gauntlets,plate mail .......... 7 e.p. 35 cn. -
Gauntlets,plate,full ......... 15 e.p. 25 cn. -
Helmet,great ................. 15 e.p. 100 cn. 1*
Helmet,small ................. 10 e.p. 45 cn. 3*
Leather ....................... 5 e.p. 150 cn. 8
Padded ........................ 4 e.p. 100 cn. 7
Plate,mail .................. 400 e.p. 450 cn. 3
Plate,field ................. 300 g.p. 550 cn. 2
Plate,full .................. 500 g.p. 650 cn. 1
Ring ......................... 30 e.p. 250 cn. 7
Scale ........................ 45 e.p. 400 cn. 6
Shield,buckler ................ 5 e.p. 30 cn. +1
Shield,large ................. 15 e.p. 100 cn. +1
Shield,small ................. 10 e.p. 50 cn. +1
Shield,small wooden ........... 1 e.p. 30 cn. +1
Splinted ..................... 80 e.p. 400 cn. 4
Studded ...................... 15 e.p. 200 cn. 7
Aklys ......................... 2 e.p. 35 cn. 1-6/1-3
Arrow,barbed,single ........... 1 s.p. 2 cn. 1-6/1-6
Arrow,broad-head,single ....... 1 s.p. 2 cn. 2-7/1-6
Arrow,blunt-head,single ....... 1 c.p. 2 cn. 1-3/1-3
(120'cord) ................. 6 e.p. 25 cn. 1-3/1-2
Arrow,flaming,single .......... 5 e.p. 4 cn. 2-7/2-8
Arrow,frog crotch ............. 1 s.p. 2 cn. 1-6/1-3
(120'cord) ................ 10 e.p. 30 cn. 1-4/1-3
Arrow,humming bulb ............ 2 s.p. 2 cn. 1-2/1-2
Arrow,normal,single ........... 1 c.p. 2 cn. 1-6/1-6
Arrow,normal,dozen ............ 1 s.p. 24 cn.
Arrow,silver,single ........... 1 e.p. 2 cn. 1-6/1-6
Arrow,spiral,single ........... 1 e.p. 2 cn. 2-7/2-7
Arrow,wooden,single ........... 5 b.p. 2 cn. 1-5/1-3
Atlatl ........................ 1 e.p. 10 cn.
Axe,battle .................... 5 e.p. 75 cn. 1-8/1-8
Axe,hand ...................... 1 e.p. 50 cn. 1-6/1-4
Axe,throwing .................. 1 e.p. 50 cn. 1-6/1-4
Bardiche ...................... 7 e.p. 125 cn. 2-8/3-12
Bec de corbin ................. 6 e.p. 100 cn. 1-8/1-6
Bill-Guisarme ................. 6 e.p. 150 cn. 2-8/1-10
Blackjack ..................... 2 s.p. 50 cn. 1-4/1-2
Blowgun ...................... 20 e.p. 20 cn.
Blowgun Needle,barbed ......... 2 c.p. .1 cn. 1-2/1-2
Blowgun Needle,normal ......... 1 c.p. .1 cn. 1/1
Boku-toh (wooden sword) ....... 1 e.p. 30 cn. 1-4/1-2
Bow,composite,long .......... 100 e.p. 80 cn.
Bow,composite,short .......... 75 e.p. 50 cn.
Bow,long ..................... 60 e.p. 100 cn.
Bow,short .................... 15 e.p. 50 cn.
Caltrop ....................... 2 s.p. 4 cn. 1/1-2
Crossbow,hand ............... 300 e.p. 20 cn.
Crossbow,heavy ............... 20 e.p. 80 cn.
Crossbow,light ............... 12 e.p. 50 cn.
repeating 10 bolts ........ 40 e.p. 75 cn.
Dagger & scabbard ............. 2 e.p. 15 cn. 1-4/1-3
Dart,throwing ................. 5 c.p. 5 cn. 1-3/1-2
Fang .......................... 1 e.p. 30 cn. 1-6/1-4
Fauchard ...................... 3 e.p. 60 cn. 1-6/1-8
Fauchard-Fork ................. 8 e.p. 80 cn. 1-8/1-10
Flail,footman's ............... 3 e.p. 150 cn. 2-7/2-8
Flail,horseman's .............. 8 e.p. 35 cn. 2-5/2-5
Fork,Military ................. 4 e.p. 75 cn. 1-8/2-8
Garrot ........................ 1 s.p. 1 cn. 1-4/1-6
Glaive ........................ 6 e.p. 75 cn. 1-6/1-10
Glaive-Guisarme .............. 10 e.p. 100 cn. 2-8/2-12
Guisarme ...................... 5 e.p. 80 cn. 2-8/1-8
Guisarme-Voulge ............... 7 e.p. 150 cn. 2-8/2-8
Halberd ....................... 9 e.p. 175 cn. 1-10/2-12
Hammer,Lucern ................. 7 e.p. 150 cn. 2-8/1-6
Hammer ........................ 1 e.p. 50 cn. 2-5/1-4
Harpoon ....................... 5 e.p. 50-60 cn. 2-8/2-12
Hook Fauchard ................. 6 e.p. 80 cn. 1-4/1-4
Javelin ....................... 1 s.p. 20 cn. 1-6/1-6
Jo Stick ...................... 1 e.p. 40 cn. 1-6/1-4
Katana & scabbard ............ 50 e.p. 70 cn. 1-10/1-12
Knife & scabbard .............. 1 e.p. 10 cn. 1-3/1-2
Lance,jousting ............... 15 e.p. 200 cn. 0-2/0-1
Lance,heavy .................. 10 e.p. 150 cn. 3-9/3-18
Lance,light ................... 6 e.p. 50 cn. 1-6/1-8
Lance,medium .................. 8 e.p. 100 cn. 2-7/2-12
Lasso ......................... 5 c.p. 20 cn.
Mace,footman's ................ 8 e.p. 100 cn. 2-7/1-6
Mace,horseman's ............... 4 e.p. 50 cn. 1-6/1-4
Man Catcher .................. 25 e.p. 80 cn. 1-2/1-2
Morning Star .................. 5 e.p. 125 cn. 2-8/2-7
Ninja-to & scabbard ........... 5 e.p. 55 cn. 1-8/1-6
Nunchaku ...................... 1 e.p. 30 cn. 1-6/1-6
Partisan ..................... 10 e.p. 80 cn. 1-6/2-7
Pick,Military,footman's ....... 8 e.p. 60 cn. 2-7/2-8
Pick,Military,horseman's ...... 5 e.p. 40 cn. 2-5/1-4
Pike,awl ...................... 3 e.p. 80 cn. 1-6/1-12
Quarrel (or Bolt),
hand,single ............... 10 e.p. 1 cn. 1-3/1-2
Quarrel (or Bolt),
heavy,score ................ 2 e.p. 60 cn. 2-5/2-7
Quarrel (or Bolt),
light,score ................ 1 e.p. 40 cn. 1-4/1-4
Quarterstaff .................. 1 b.p. 50 cn. 1-6/1-6
Ranseur ....................... 4 e.p. 50 cn. 2-8/2-8
Rapier & scabbard ............ 10 e.p. 35 cn. 2-7/1-4
Sai ........................... 8 s.p. 20 cn. 1-4/1-2
Sap ........................... 1 e.p. 10 cn. 1-2/1-2
Scimitar & scabbard .......... 15 e.p. 50 cn. 1-8/1-8
Shuriken,spike,large .......... 5 s.p. 2 cn. 1-4/1-3
Shuriken,spike,small .......... 3 s.p. 1 cn. 1-3/1-3
Shuriken,star,large ........... 8 s.p. 3 cn. 1-6/1-4
Shuriken,star,small ........... 5 s.p. 2 cn. 1-4/1-4
Sickle ........................ 1 e.p. 20 cn. 1-6/1-4
Sling & Bullets,dozen ........ 15 c.p. 40 cn.
Sling Bullets,score ........... 1 s.p. 40 cn. 2-5/2-7
Spear ......................... 1 e.p. 60 cn. 1-6/1-8
Spetum ........................ 3 e.p. 50 cn. 2-7/2-12
Spiked Buckler ............... 10 e.p. 35 cn. 1-4/1-3
Staff Sling ................... 2 e.p. 50 cn. 2-8/3-9
Sword,bastard & scabbard ..... 25 e.p. 115 cn. 2-8/2-16
Sword,broad & scabbard ....... 10 e.p. 85 cn. 2-8/2-7
Sword,long & scabbard ........ 15 e.p. 70 cn. 1-8/1-12
Sword,short & scabbard ....... 8 e.p. 40 cn. 1-6/1-8
Sword,2-handed & scabbard .... 30 e.p. 270 cn. 1-10/3-18
Three-piece rod ............... 2 e.p. 50 cn. 1-6/1-4
Trident ....................... 4 e.p. 50 cn. 2-7/3-12
Tui-fa ........................ 5 s.p. 15 cn. 1-6/1-4
Voulge ........................ 2 e.p. 125 cn. 2-8/2-8
Whip,metal .................... 8 e.p. 75 cn. 2-5/1-4
Whip,rawhide .................. 3 e.p. 35 cn. 1-2/1
Apron ......................... 1 c.p. 10 cn.
Belt .......................... 3 c.p. 3 cn.
Boots,high,hard ............... 2 e.p. 70 cn.
Boots,high,soft ............... 1 e.p. 50 cn.
Boots,low,hard ................ 1 e.p. 50 cn.
Boots,low,soft ................ 8 s.p. 30 cn.
Cap ........................... 1 c.p. 10 cn.
Cape,cloth .................... 3 c.p. 10 cn.
Cape,fur .................... 100 e.p.+ 20 cn.
Cloak,cloth ................... 5 c.p. 20 cn.
Cloak,fur ................... 200 e.p.+ 30 cn.
Cloth,canvas .................. 1 e.p./s.y. 20 cn./s.y.
Cloth,cotton .................. 1 c.p./s.y. 10 cn./s.y.
Cloth,linen ................... 5 b.p./s.y. 10 cn./s.y.
Cloth,satin ................... 4 e.p./s.y. 10 cn./s.y.
Cloth,silk .................... 1 g.p./s.y. 5 cn./s.y.
Cloth,velvet .................. 4 e.p./s.y. 10 cn./s.y.
Cloth,wool .................... 8 b.p./s.y. 20 cn./s.y.
Dress ......................... 9 c.p.+ 40 cn.
Fur trimming ................. 10 e.p.+
Girdle,broad .................. 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Girdle,normal ................. 1 e.p. 5 cn.
Gloves,cloth ................ 1-2 c.p. 5 cn.
Gloves,leather ............. 5-10 e.p. 10 cn.
Gown,common .................. 12 c.p. 20 cn.
Hat,cloth .................... 10 c.p. 10 cn.
Hat,fur ...................... 40 e.p.+ 10 cn.
Hat,straw ..................... 7 b.p. 5 cn.
Jerkin ........................ 1 e.p. 75 cn.
Loincloth ..................... 1 c.p. 5 cn.
Needle,sewing ............... 1-2 s.p. .1 cn.
Robe .......................... 6 c.p. 50 cn.
Sandals ....................... 4 c.p. 10 cn.
Scissors ...................... 5 c.p. 10 cn.
Shirt/blouse .................. 4 c.p.+ 10 cn.
Thread,1 spool ............. 5-10 b.p. 5 cn.
Trouser/skirt ................. 3 c.p.+ 10 cn.
Vest,cloth .................... 1 e.p. 10 cn.
Vest,fur .................... 100 e.p.+ 15 cn.
Arrow slit .................... 3 e.p.
Arrow slit,crossletted ........ 5 e.p.
Barbican ................... 4000 e.p. 150 d.p.
Bartizan,10'd.,20'h. ........ 500 e.p. 25 d.p.
Batter,plinth or splay ...... 100 e.p. 20 d.p.
Battlement,14'l. ............. 50 e.p. 12 d.p.
Building,stone .............. 750 e.p. 10 d.p.
Building,wood ............... 250 e.p. 8-16 d.p.
3'w.,5'd.,10'h. .......... 150 e.p. 20 d.p.
Catwalk,wooden,10'l. ......... 20 e.p. 2 d.p.
Ditch,100'l.,10'd.,20'w. .... 150 e.p.
Door,iron,4'w.,7'h. ......... 100 e.p. 10 d.p.
Door,secret,2'w.,4'h. ........ 75 e.p. 1 d.p.
Door,trap,2'w.,3'l. .......... 50 e.p. 1 d.p.
Door,wooden,4'w.,7'h. ........ 25 e.p. 1 d.p.
4'w.,7'h. ................. 75 e.p. 3 d.p.
Drawbridge,10'w.,15'l. ...... 500 e.p. 10-15 d.p.
Embrasure shutters ............ 5 e.p. 4 d.p.
Gate ........................ 250 e.p. 8-12 d.p.
Gatehouse,stone ............ 2000 e.p. 120 d.p.
Hoardings,wooden,10'l. ....... 25 e.p. 2 d.p.
Machicolation,stone,10'l. ... 250 e.p.
Merlon,4'w.,3'd.,5'h. ........ 10 e.p. 10 d.p.
Merlon,with arrow slit,
4'w.,3'd.,5'h. ............ 15 e.p. 10 d.p.
Moat,100'l.,10'd.,20'w. ..... 350 e.p.
Murder hole .................. 15 e.p.
100'l.,10'h. ............. 150 e.p. 6-12 d.p.
Parapet,stone,10'l. .......... 25 e.p. 20 d.p.
Pilaster,5'w.,3'd.,10'h. ..... 50 e.p. 15 d.p.
Pit,5'cube ................... 10 e.p.
Portcullis,10'w.,15'h. ...... 500 e.p. 12 d.p.
Rampart,earth,100'l.,10'h. .. 150 e.p. 20 d.p.
Stairs,stone,10'rise,3'w. ... 50 e.p. 5 d.p.
Stairs,wooden,10'rise,3'w. ... 10 e.p. 1-3 d.p.
Tower,round,20'd.,30'h. .... 1000 e.p. 40 d.p.
Tower,round,30'd.,30'h. .... 2000 e.p. 60 d.p.
Tower,round,40'd.,30'h. .... 3000 e.p. 80 d.p.
Tower,square,10'sq.,30'h. ... 750 e.p. 30 d.p.
Tower.square,20'sq.,30'h. .. 1500 e.p. 40 d.p.
Tower.square,30'sq.,30'h. .. 2500 e.p. 50 d.p.
5'w.,8'h.,10'l. .......... 150 e.p. 5 d.p.
5'w.,20'h.,40'l. ......... 750 e.p. 40 d.p.
10'w.,20'h.,100'l. ...... 1500 e.p. 20 d.p.
Window,shuttered,2'w.,4'h. .... 5 e.p. 4 d.p.
Window,shuttered &
barred,2'w.,4'h. .......... 10 e.p. 12 d.p.
Furs and Pelts
Aurumvorax .................... 5 e.p. 10 cn.
Bear .......................... 5 e.p. 20 cn.
Beaver ........................ 2 e.p. 5 cn.
Bobcat ........................ 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Bunyip ........................ 5 e.p. 10 cn.
Caterwaul ..................... 7 e.p. 15 cn.
Chinchilla .................... 3 e.p. 10 cn.
Devil dog ..................... 5 e.p. 10 cn.
Fox,hoar ...................... 5 e.p. 5 cn.
Fox,red ....................... 3 e.p. 5 cn.
Fox,silver .................... 4 e.p. 5 cn.
Lynx .......................... 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Mink .......................... 3 e.p. 5 cn.
Musk-ox ....................... 5 e.p. 5 cn.
Muskrat ....................... 4 e.p. 5 cn.
Nonafel ....................... 7 e.p. 10 cn.
Otter ......................... 2 e.p. 5 cn.
Otter,sea ..................... 3 e.p. 5 cn.
Owlbear ....................... 5 e.p. 20 cn.
Panther ....................... 7 e.p. 15 cn.
Sable ......................... 5 e.p. 10 cn.
Seal .......................... 5 e.p. 10 cn.
Snow leopard .................. 8 e.p. 15 cn.
Tiger ......................... 5 e.p. 20 cn.
Winter wolf ................... 5 e.p. 15 cn.
Wolverine ..................... 3 e.p. 10 cn.
Yeti .......................... 5 e.p. 30 cn.
Zebra ......................... 5 e.p. 20 cn.
Armchair,padded ............... 3 e.p. 400 cn.
Armchair,wooden ............... 1 e.p. 300 cn.
Bed,double .................... 8 e.p. 1500 cn.
Bed,single .................... 5 e.p. 900 cn.
Bench,padded .................. 4 e.p. 200 cn.
Bench,wooden .................. 2 e.p. 150 cn.
Bookcase,metal,4'x 1'x 5' .... 15 e.p. 2500 cn. l x w x h
Bookcase,wooden,4'x 1'x 5' .... 5 e.p. 1000 cn. l x w x h
Bowl,pewter ................... 2 s.p. 15 cn.
Bowl,pottery .................. 5 c.p. 15 cn.
Bowl,silver ................... 9 e.p. 15 cn.
Buffet ........................ 7 e.p. 50 cn.
Cabinet ..................... 3-8 e.p. 800 cn.
Carpet ..................... 1-10 c.p./s.y. 20 cn./s.y.
Chair,padded .................. 2 e.p. 250 cn.
Chair,wooden .................. 1 e.p. 180 cn.
Chandelier ................... 20 e.p.+ 300 cn.
Chest of drawers ............ 5-7 e.p. 700 cn.
Cup,pewter .................... 2 s.p. 5 cn.
Cup,pottery ................... 4 c.p. 4 cn.
Cup,silver .................... 2 e.p. 5 cn.
Curtains/drapes ............. 1-4 s.p./s.y. 10 cn./s.y.
Cushion ....................... 1 s.p. 10 cn.
Cutlery,copper ................ 1 s.p./piece 5 cn./piece
Cutlery,pewter ................ 2 s.p./piece 5 cn./piece
Cutlery,silver ................ 5 e.p./piece 5 cn./piece
Decanter,crystal .............. 1 g.p. 60 cn.
Decanter,pottery .............. 3 c.p. 55 cn.
Decanter,silver ............... 5 e.p. 60 cn.
Desk ......................... 15 e.p. 350 cn.
Goblet,crystal ................ 4 e.p. 10 cn.
Goblet,pewter ................. 4 s.p. 10 cn.
Goblet,silver ................. 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Hamper ..................... 7-15 c.p. 40 cn.
Kettle,iron,various sizes .. 2-12 e.p. 10-60 cn.
Loom ........................ 3-7 e.p. 2000 cn.
Mat .......................... 15 c.p. 50 cn.
Mattress,feather,double ....... 4 e.p. 300 cn.
Mattress,feather,single ....... 2 e.p. 200 cn.
Mattress,straw,double ......... 3 e.p. 250 cn.
Mattress,straw,single ......... 1 e.p. 150 cn.
Mirror .................... 10-15 e.p./s.f. 20 cn./s.f.
Pillow,feather .............. 1-2 s.p. 15 cn.
Plate,pewter .................. 8 s.p. 7 cn.
Plate,pottery ................. 8 c.p. 6 cn.
Plate,silver .................. 2 e.p. 7 cn.
Rug,small ..................... 1 s.p.+ 50 cn.
Rug,large ..................... 3 s.p.+ 500 cn.
Sconce,wall ................... 5 c.p. 50 cn.
Sofa/couch ................... 30 e.p. 750 cn.
Stool ......................... 3 e.p. 80 cn.
Table ......................... 2 s.p./s.f. 50 cn./s.f.
Tub ......................... 2-5 e.p. 100 cn.
Wardrobe,plain ............... 15 e.p. 500 cn.
Wardrobe,with mirror(s) ...... 25 e.p.+ 850 cn.
Belladona,sprig ............... 4 c.p. 5 cn.
Garlic,bud .................... 5 b.p. 1 cn.
Wolvesbane,sprig .............. 1 s.p. 5 cn.
Hirelings, daily cost of
Alchemist .................... 10 e.p.
Animal Trainer ................ 3 e.p.
Armorer ....................... 5 e.p.
Bearer/Porter ................. 1 c.p.
Blacksmith .................... 3 e.p.
Boatwright .................... 1 s.p.
Bowyer/Fletcher ............... 1 e.p.
Carpenter ..................... 3 c.p.
Engineer-Architect ............ 5 e.p.
Engineer-Artillerist .......... 7 e.p.
Engineer-Sapper/Miner ......... 7 e.p.
Jeweler-Gemcutter ............. 5 e.p.
Leather Worker ................ 2 c.p.
Limner ........................ 1 e.p.
Linkboy ....................... 1 c.p.
Mason ......................... 4 c.p.
Mercenary Soldier:
Archer (longbow) ........... 1 s.p.
Archer (shortbow) .......... 5 c.p.
Artillerist ............... 12 c.p.
Captain ................... 15 e.p.+
Crossbowman ................ 5 c.p.
Footman,heavy .............. 5 c.p.
Footman,light .............. 3 c.p.
Footman,pikeman ............ 8 c.p.
Habilar,heavy .............. 8 c.p.
Habilar,light .............. 5 c.p.
Horseman,archer ........... 15 c.p.
Horseman,crossbowman ....... 1 s.p.
Horseman,heavy ............ 15 c.p.
Horseman,light ............. 8 c.p.
Horseman,medium ............ 1 s.p.
Lieutenant ................. 8 e.p.+
Sapper/Miner ............... 1 s.p.
Serjeant .................. special
Slinger .................... 8 c.p.
Pack Handler .................. 2 c.p.
Sage ......................... special
Scribe ........................ 5 s.p.
Ship crew:
Marines .................... 8 c.p.
Mates ...................... 1 e.p.
Oarsmen ................... 12 c.p.
Sailors .................... 5 c.p.
Ship Master .................. 15 e.p.+
Spy .......................... special
Steward/Castellan ............ 30 e.p.+
Tailor ........................ 2 c.p.
Teamster ...................... 5 c.p.
Valet/Lackey .................. 3 c.p.
Weapon Maker .................. 5 e.p.
Weaver ........................ 2 c.p.
Ape ......................... 150 e.p. 3,500 cn.
Boar ......................... 10 e.p. 1,000 cn.
Bull ......................... 20 e.p. 10,000 cn.
Calf .......................... 5 e.p. 500 cn.
Camel ..................... 10-15 e.p. 9,000 cn.
Cat ........................... 5 s.p. 100 cn.
Chicken ....................... 3 b.p. 100 cn.
Cow .......................... 10 e.p. 7,500 cn.
Dog,guard ................ 20-100 e.p. 800 cn.
Dog,hunting ............... 20-50 e.p. 650 cn.
Dog,lap .................... 5-20 e.p. 500 cn.
Dog,sled .................. 10-40 e.p. 800 cn.
Dog,war .................. 30-120 e.p. 950 cn.
Donkey ........................ 8 e.p. 8,000 cn.
Dove .......................... 3 s.p. 20 cn.
Elephant,labor .......... 201-300 e.p. 100,000 cn.
Elephant,war ........... 300-1200 e.p. 120,000 cn.
Falcon,trained .......... 100-600 e.p. 80 cn.
Goat .......................... 1 e.p. 600 cn.
Hawk,large .............. 130-180 e.p. 400 cn.
Hawk,small ................ 15-40 e.p. 70 cn.
Horse,draft ............... 21-30 e.p. 8,000 cn.
Horse,heavy war ......... 250-500 e.p. 13,000 cn.
Horse,light war ......... 120-240 e.p. 7,000 cn.
Horse,medium war ........ 180-360 e.p. 9,000 cn.
Horse,riding .............. 20-50 e.p. 6,000 cn.
Hunting cat .............. 10,000 e.p. 1,750 cn.
Lama ......................... 30 e.p. 6,500 cn.
Mule ......................... 20 e.p. 7,000 cn.
Ox ........................... 15 e.p. 10,000 cn.
Pigeon ........................ 2 b.p. 15 cn.
Piglet ........................ 1 e.p. 100 cn.
Pig ........................... 3 e.p. 3,000 cn.
Pony,riding ............... 12-15 e.p. 4,000 cn.
Pony,war .................. 21-30 e.p. 4,500 cn.
Sheep ......................... 2 e.p. 500 cn.
Songbird ...................... 4 c.p. 10 cn.
Yak ........................... 9 e.p. 4,800 cn.
Dragonnel ................ 45,000 e.p. 100,000 cn.
Eel,giant ................. 4,500 e.p. 80,000 cn.
Giant strider ............. 7,500 e.p. 11,000 cn.
Griffon .................. 35,000 e.p. 80,000 cn.
Hippocampus .............. 20,000 e.p. 40,000 cn.
Hippogriff ............... 32,000 e.p. 20,000 cn.
Pegasus .................. 40,000 e.p. 10,000 cn.
Roc ...................... 30,000 e.p. 250,000 cn.
Sea horse ................ 15,000 e.p. 15,000 cn.
Unicorn ................. 500,000 e.p. 8,000 cn.
Wyvern ................... 25,000 e.p. 60,000 cn.
Miscellaneous Equipment & Items
Air bladder .................. 15 e.p. 20 cn.
Backpack,leather .............. 2 e.p. 20 cn.
Bag,leather ................... 8 c.p. 5 cn.
Barrel,wooden 50 gal. ......... 1 e.p. 200 or 2400 cn. 50 gal. or 150 lb.
Barrel,metal 50 gal. .......... 3 e.p. 500 or 2700 cn. 50 gal. or 150 1b.
Bedroll ...................... 10 s.p. 80 cn.
Bell ........................ 1-4 e.p.+ 10-100 cn.
Bird cage ................... 2-5 e.p. 50-100 cn.
Blanket ..................... 5-8 c.p. 30 cn.
Book,blank,100 pages,
papyrus .................. 160 e.p. 200 cn.
Book,(as above),parchment ... 220 e.p. 200 cn.
Book,(as above),vellum ...... 400 e.p. 200 cn.
Bottle or flask ............... 3 s.p. 20 cn.
Box,iron,large ............... 15 e.p. 750 cn.
Box,iron,small ................ 8 e.p. 350 cn.
Bracers,leather ............... 8 s.p. 15 cn.
Bracers,metal ................. 1 e.p. 30 cn.
Bucket ........................ 3 s.p. 40 cn.
Candle,tallow ................. 1 b.p. 5 cn.
Candle,wax .................... 1 c.p. 5 cn.
Candle snuffer ................ 6 c.p. 15 cn.
Cane,walking ................ 2-5 e.p. 60 cn.
Case,bone,map or scroll ....... 5 e.p. 50 cn.
map or scroll ............. 15 s.p. 25 cn.
Cask .......................... 5 c.p. 10 or 100 cn.
Chain,iron,1',fine,small ...... 2 e.p. 5 cn.
Chain,iron,1',heavy ........... 1 e.p. 100 cn.
Chain,iron,1',light ........... 5 s.p. 50 cn.
Chain,iron,1',medium .......... 8 s.p. 80 cn.
Chalk,powder .................. 1 b.p./oz. 2 cn./oz.
Chalk,stick of ................ 1 b.p. 2 cn./stick
Charcoal,10 lb. bag of ........ 2 e.p. 100 cn.
Chest,wooden,large ........... 16 s.p. 500 cn.
Chest,wooden,small ............ 8 s.p. 250 cn.
Chisel ........................ 1 e.p. 30 cn.
Coal, 10 lb. bag of .......... 10 e.p. 100 cn.
Cologne/perfume,1 oz .......... 1 e.p.+ 10 cn.
Comb .......................... 1 s.p. 5 cn.
Cord,10' ...................... 1 s.p. 2 cn.
Crampons ..................... 40 e.p. 30 cn.
Crowbar ....................... 6 s.p. 60 cn.
1 pair of .................. 2 s.p. 5 cn.
1 pair of,loaded ......... 2-8 e.p. 5 cn.
Drill,iron .................... 5 e.p. 50 cn.
Earspoon ...................... 2 c.p. 10 cn.
Fire-starting bow ............. 8 s.p. 5 cn.
Fishhook ...................... 1 b.p. .1 cn.
Fishing net ................... 2 e.p./s.f. 10 cn./s.f.
Flint and steel ............... 1 e.p. 3 cn.
Glass ......................... 5 e.p./s.f. 20 cn./s.f.
Glass bottle ................. 10 e.p. 30 cn.
Glue,2 oz. pot of ............. 5 c.p. 10 cn.
Grapnel ....................... 7 e.p. 75 cn.
Grindstone .................... 5 c.p. 10-40 cn.
Hacksaw ....................... 2 e.p. 20 cn.
Hairbrush ..................... 7 c.p. 5 cn.
Hammock ....................... 2 e.p. 20 cn.
Hourglass .................... 25 e.p.+ 5-30 cn.
Ink,2 oz. pot of .............. 1 e.p. 10 cn.
Jar,glass ..................... 5 e.p. 40 cn.
Jug,clay ..................... 15 b.p. 50 cn.
Keg,wooden 5 gal. ............ 15 c.p. 30 or 250 cn. 5 gal. or 15 lb.
Ladder,12' .................... 5 c.p. 200 cn.
Lamp,oil ...................... 2 e.p. 10 cn. 8 hours
Lantern,beacon ............... 40 e.p. 500 cn. 2 hours
Lantern,bullseye ............. 12 e.p. 30 cn. 6 hours
Lantern,hooded ................ 7 e.p. 20 cn. 6 hours
Lantern,waterproof ........... 50 e.p. 30 cn. 6 hours
Lard,pint of .................. 5 b.p. 20 cn.
Magnifying glass ............ 100 e.p.+ 5-20 cn.
Manacles,pair of,& key ........ 5 e.p. 20-100 cn.
Map of the known world ........ 1 g.p.+ 10 cn.
Merchant's scale .............. 2 e.p.+ 10-120 cn.
Metal file .................... 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Mirror,large,metal ........... 10 e.p. 100 cn.
Mirror,small,silver .......... 20 e.p. 20 cn.
Nails,iron,100 ................ 1 s.p. 10 cn.
Oar ........................... 5 s.p. 50 cn.
Oil,flask of .................. 1 e.p. 25 cn.
Paddle ........................ 3 s.p. 35 cn.
Padlock & key ................. 5 e.p. 20-80 cn.
Padlock with poison
reservoir & key ........... 12 e.p. 20-80 cn.
Pail .......................... 7 c.p. 10 cn.
Paint,1 gallon of ............. 2 e.p.+ 100 cn.
Paint brush,fine .............. 1 e.p. 10 cn.
Paint brush,large ............. 7 s.p. 40 cn.
Paint brush,medium ............ 5 s.p. 20 cn.
Papyrus,1 sheet ............... 2 e.p. 1 cn.
Parchment,1 sheet ............. 4 e.p. 1 cn.
Pen,fine,wooden ............... 5 c.p. 3 cn.
Pen,quill ..................... 8 b.p. 2 cn.
Pick axe,mining ............... 6 e.p. 50 cn.
Pick,tooth,5 score of ......... 1 c.p. 1 cn.
Pen,fine,metal ................ 1 s.p. 5 cn.
Pipe,smoking .................. 1 c.p.+ 5 cn.
8 oz.pouch of .............. 1 e.p.+ 5 cn.
Pliers ........................ 1 e.p. 25 cn.
Pole,10' ...................... 3 b.p. 100 cn.
Pot,iron cooking .............. 3 c.p. 50 cn.
Pouch,belt,large .............. 1 e.p. 10 cn.
Pouch,belt,small .............. 8 s.p. 5 cn.
Pulley ....................... 25 e.p. 5 cn.
Purse ......................... 1 c.p. 2 cn.
Quilt ......................... 2 s.p. 100 cn.
Quiver,1 dozen arrows cap ..... 8 c.p. 30 cn.
Quiver,1 score arrows cap .... 12 c.p. 40 cn.
Quiver,1 score bolts cap ...... 1 s.p. 35 cn.
Quiver,2 score bolts cap ...... 2 s.p. 60 cn.
Razor ......................... 1 e.p. 5 cn.
Rocket,signal ................ 25 e.p. 30 cn.
Rope,50' hemp ................. 5 c.p. 75 cn.
Rope,50' superior ............ 10 c.p. 100 cn.
Rope,50' silk ................ 25 e.p. 50 cn.
Sack,large .................... 8 b.p. 20 cn.
Sack,small .................... 5 b.p. 5 cn.
Saw,one man ................... 2 e.p. 30 cn.
Saw,two man .................. 12 e.p. 200 cn.
Scabbard,sword,bastard ........ 3 e.p. 15 cn.
Scabbard,sword,broad .......... 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Scabbard,sword,katana ......... 3 e.p. 15 cn.
Scabbard,sword,long ........... 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Scabbard,sword,ninja-to ....... 1 e.p.+ 5 cn.
Scabbard,sword,rapier ......... 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Scabbard,sword,scimitar ....... 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Scabbard,sword,short .......... 1 e.p. 5 cn.
Scabbard,sword,2-handed ....... 4 e.p. 20 cn.
Sheath,dagger or knife ........ 6 s.p. 5 cn.
Skin,water/wine .............. 15 c.p. 5 or 50 cn.
Soap,8 oz. bar of ............. 2 c.p. 5 cn.
Spade/shovel .................. 4 e.p. 60 cn.
Spike,iron,large .............. 1 b.p. 10 cn.
Spyglass .................... 100 g.p. 20 cn.
String,50' .................... 1 c.p. 10 cn.
Sundial ....................... 8 e.p. 500 cn.
Tent,adequate:large .......... 75 e.p. 750 cn. 80 l.s.p.
medium ......... 50 e.p. 600 cn. 80 l.s.p.
small .......... 30 e.p. 500 cn. 80 l.s.p.
Tent,good:large ............. 200 e.p. 1000 cn. 120 l.s.p.
medium ............ 120 e.p. 800 cn. 120 l.s.p.
small .............. 75 e.p. 600 cn. 120 l.s.p.
Tent,poor:large .............. 30 e.p. 600 cn. 40 l.s.p.
medium ............. 20 e.p. 450 cn. 40 l.s.p.
small .............. 10 e.p. 350 cn. 40 l.s.p.
Tent,superior:large ......... 400 e.p. 1500 cn. 180 l.s.p.
medium ........ 300 e.p. 1000 cn. 180 l.s.p.
small ......... 200 e.p. 750 cn. 180 l.s.p.
Thieves' picks & tools ....... 30 e.p. 50 cn.
Tinder Box with flint &
steel ...................... 2 e.p. 15 cn.
Torch,normal .................. 3 b.p. 25 cn. 6 turns
Torch,small ................... 1 b.p. 10 cn. 1 turns
Vellum,1 sheet ................ 8 e.p. 1 cn.
Vial,ceramic .................. 1 e.p. 25 cn.
Vial,crystal .................. 3 e.p. 30 cn.
Vial,metal .................... 5 e.p. 40 cn.
Wallet ........................ 1 e.p. 5 cn.
Waterclock .................... 5 g.p. 100 cn.
Wax,candle,lb ................. 1 e.p. 10 cn.
Wax,sealing,lb ................ 2 e.p. 10 cn.
Whetstone ..................... 1 e.p. 5-20 cn.
Whistle ....................... 1 e.p. 5 cn.
Wig ........................... 2 e.p. 5 cn.
Musical Instruments
Bandore ...................... 15 e.p. 100 cn.
Chime ......................... 2 e.p.+ 10-200 cn.
Drum .......................... 4 e.p. 200 cn.
Fife .......................... 5 e.p. 100 cn.
Flute ........................ 16 e.p. 50 cn.
Gong .......................... 5 e.p. 5-100 cn.
Harp ......................... 50 e.p.+ 250 cn.
Horn .......................... 6 e.p. 75 cn.
Lute ......................... 25 e.p. 150 cn.
Lyre ......................... 27 e.p. 100 cn.
Mandolin ..................... 28 e.p. 150 cn.
Pipes ......................... 2 e.p. 50 cn.
Rebec & bow .................. 30 e.p. 150 cn.
Ale,pint of ................... 1 c.p.
Ale,dark,pint of .............. 3 c.p.
Beer,heavy,pint of ............ 1 s.p.
Beer,light,pint of ............ 4 c.p.
Brandy,pint of ................ 1 s.p.+
Bread,loaf of ................. 7 b.p. 25 cn.
Cider,pint of ................. 8 c.p.
Flour,10 lb. bag of ........... 6 s.p. 100 cn.
Food,merchant's meal .......... 1 s.p.
Food,rich meal ................ 1 e.p.
Grain,horse meal,1 day ........ 1 c.p. 50 cn.
Grog,pint of .................. 3 c.p.
Juice,apple,pint of ........... 8 b.p.
Juice,grape,pint of ........... 8 b.p.
Juice,orange,pint of .......... 9 b.p.
Juice,tomato,pint of .......... 7 b.p.
Mead,pint of .................. 5 c.p.
Milk,cow,pint of .............. 2 c.p.
Milk,goat,pint of ............. 1 c.p.
Rations,iron,1 week ........... 5 e.p. 75 cn.
Rations,standard,1 week ....... 3 e.p. 200 cn.
Rum,pint of ................... 5 c.p.+
Tea,pint of ................... 7 b.p.
Water,spring,pint of .......... 5 b.p.
Wine,good,pint of ............. 1 s.p.+
Wine,watered,pint of .......... 6 c.p.
Religious Items
Beads,Prayer .................. 1 e.p. 5 cn.
Incense,stick ................. 1 e.p.+ 1 cn.
Symbol,Holy,iron .............. 2 e.p. 30 cn.
Symbol,Holy,silver ........... 50 e.p. 20 cn.
Symbol,Holy,wooden ............ 7 c.p. 10 cn.
Water,Holy,vial .............. 25 e.p. 35 cn.
Wheel,prayer .................. 3 e.p. 100 cn.
Room and Board
Night,common room ............. 1 s.p.
Night,double room ............. 2 e.p.
Night,private room ............ 1 e.p.
Week,common room .............. 4 s.p.
Week,double room .............. 9 e.p.
Week,private room ............. 4 e.p.
Month,common room ............. 3 e.p.
Month,double room ............ 58 e.p.
Month,private room ........... 29 e.p.
Services,daily cost of inn
Armor repair ................. 12 e.p.
Guide,city .................... 5 s.p.
Horse grooming ................ 3 s.p.
Laundry ....................... 1 c.p.
Messenger ..................... 2 e.p.
Night guard .................. 15 e.p.
Stable ........................ 2 e.p.
Storage closet ................ 1 e.p.
Weapon repair ................. 9 e.p.
Siege Engines and Devices of War
Ballista ..................... 75 e.p. 300 c.n. 2 d.p.
Catapult,heavy .............. 200 e.p. 1000 c.n. 6 d.p.
Catapult,light .............. 150 e.p. 500 c.n. 4 d.p.
Cauldron,suspended ........... 50 e.p. 500 c.n. 2 d.p.
Gallery,covered ............. 350 e.p. 5000 c.n. 10 d.p.
Hoist ....................... 150 e.p. 2500 c.n. 4 d.p.
Mangonel ..................... 75 e.p. 300 c.n. 2 d.p.
Mantlet,movable .............. 25 e.p. 500 c.n. 3 d.p.
Ram ......................... 500 e.p. 750 c.n.+ 12 d.p.
Ram catcher .................. 20 e.p. 250 c.n. 1 d.p.
Scorpion ..................... 75 e.p. 300 c.n. 2 d.p.
Siege tower ................. 800 e.p. 10000 c.n. 16 d.p.
Sow ......................... 500 e.p. 500 c.n.+ 12 d.p.
Tortoise .................... 350 e.p. 5000 c.n. 10 d.p.
Trebuchet ................... 500 e.p. 2500 c.n. 8 d.p.
Alarm ....................... 150 e.p./l.o.c
Armor ....................... 100 e.p./l.o.c
Astral Spell .............. 5,000 e.p./person
Atonement ................... 500 e.p./l.o.t
Augury ...................... 300 e.p.
Bless ......................... 5 e.p./l.o.c.
Commune ................... 5,000 e.p.
Continual Light ............. 500 e.p.
Control Weather .......... 10,000 e.p.
Cure Blindness ............ 1,000 e.p.
Cure Disease .............. 1,000 e.p.
Cure Light Wounds ........... 100 e.p.
Cure Serious Wounds ......... 350 e.p.
Cure Critical Wounds ........ 600 e.p.
Detect Evil/Good ............ 100 e.p.
Detect Magic ................ 150 e.p.
Dispel Evil/Good .......... 1,000 e.p.
Dispel Magic ................ 100 e.p./l.o.c.
Divination ................ 1,000 e.p.
Earthquake .............. 100,000 e.p.
Exorcise .................. 1,000 e.p./hour
Find the Path ............... 500 e.p./l.o.c.
Gate .................... 500,000 e.p.
Glyph of Warding ............ 100 e.p./l.o.c.
Heal ........................ 200 e.p./hit point
Identify .................... 250 e.p.
Invisibility ................ 300 e.p.
Knock ..................... 1,000 e.p.
Know Alignment ............ 1,000 e.p./l.o.c.
Leomund's Trap .............. 500 e.p.
Locate Object ............... 500 e.p.
Magic Mouth ................. 800 e.p./word
Mending ...................... 50 e.p.
Neutralize Poison ......... 1,000 e.p.
Part Water ................ 1,000 e.p./l.o.c.
Plane Shift .............. 40,000 e.p.
Prayer ....................... 50 e.p./l.o.c.
Preserve .................... 100 e.p.
Protection From evil ......... 50 e.p./l.o.c.
Purify Food & Drink ......... 100 e.p.
Raise Dead .................. 750 e.p./l.o.c.
Raise Dead Fully .......... 7,500 e.p./l.o.c.
Regenerate ............... 15,000 e.p.
Remove Curse ................ 500 e.p./l.o.c.
Resist Cold .................. 50 e.p./l.o.c.
Resist Fire ................. 100 e.p./l.o.c.
Restoration .............. 20,000 e.p.
Silence ..................... 100 e.p./l.o.c.
Slow Poison ................. 200 e.p./l.o.c.
Speak With Dead ............. 100 e.p./l.o.c.
Strength .................. 1,000 e.p./l.o.c.
Tongues ..................... 500 e.p./l.o.c.
Ture Seeing ................. 400 e.p./l.o.c.
Wizard Lock ................. 100 e.p./l.o.c.
Write ....................... 300 e.p.
Tack & Harness
Barding,chain ............... 300 e.p. 3,000 cn.
Barding,leather ............. 100 e.p. 1,000 cn.
Barding,plate ............... 500 e.p. 5,000 cn.
Barding,scale ............... 200 e.p. 2,000 cn.
Barding,splint .............. 400 e.p. 4,000 cn.
Bit & Bridle ................. 15 c.p. 20 cn.
Harness ...................... 12 c.p. 100 cn.
Saddle ....................... 10 e.p. 350 cn.
Saddle Bags,large ............. 4 e.p. 150 cn.
Saddle Bags,small ............. 3 e.p. 100 cn.
Saddle Blanket ................ 3 c.p. 40 cn.
Torture device
Branding iron ................. 2 e.p. 30 cn.
Cage ......................... 20 e.p. 5,000 cn.
Chair with straps ............. 7 e.p. 800 cn.
Clamp ......................... 3 e.p. 50 cn.
Iron boots .................... 5 e.p. 500 cn.
Iron maiden .................. 70 e.p. 7,500 cn.
Stocks ........................ 5 e.p. 3,000 cn.
Thumb screw ................... 1 e.p. 10 cn.
U-rack ....................... 25 e.p. 5,000 cn.
Vice .......................... 9 e.p. 100 cn.
Barge (or Raft),small ......... 1 e.p./s.y. 100 cn./s.y.
Boat,collapsible ............ 500 e.p. 600 cn.
Boat,small ................... 75 e.p. 900 cn.
Boat,long ................... 150 e.p. 250,000 cn.
Canoe,small .................. 80 e.p. 800 cn.
Canoe,large ................. 100 e.p. 1,600 cn.
Cart ......................... 50 e.p. 800 cn.
Chariot,riding ............... 90 e.p. 4,000 cn.
Chariot,war ................. 110 e.p. 5,000 cn.
Coach,royal ................. 200 e.p.+ 18,000 cn.
Dog-sled ..................... 30 e.p. 700 cn.
Galley,large ............. 25,000 e.p. 2,750,000 cn.
Galley,small ............. 10,000 e.p. 2,250,000 cn.
Galley,war ............... 40,000 e.p. 2,500,000 cn.
Kayak ....................... 250 e.p. 500 cn.
Ship,merchant,large ...... 15,000 e.p. 2,500,000 cn.
Ship,merchant,small ...... 5,000 e.p. 2,000,000 cn.
Ship,war ................. 20,000 e.p. 3,000,000 cn.
Wagon,closed ................ 250 e.p. 20,000 cn.
Wagon,open .................. 150 e.p. 15,000 cn.
Notes: cn. = coins l.o.c. = level of caster
s.y. = square yard l.o.t. = level of target
s.f. = square foot l.s.p. = life span points
1 lb. = 10 coins d.p. = defensive points
c.f. = cubic foot gal. = gallon
And now a few words about this list, were I got it and terms used in it.
How did I get it? Well years of collecting Dragon magazine and the flood
of new AD&D books (1st ed.) that came out a few years ago (1986 I think).
A list of all the 1st ed. books used:
Players Handbook (PH)
Unearthed Arcana (UA)
Oriental Adventures (OA)
Wilderness Survival Guide (WSG)
Dungeoneer's Survival Guide (DSG)
Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG)
I have also pulled things in from the 2nd ed. Players Handbook and ICE's
game Role Master as well as 3 or 4 Dragon magazine article in the range of
Dragon 107 to 167 (the range of my collection).
The terms.
Ok for those of you who play 2nd ed. and have never seen 1st ed.
the weight (encumbrance in 1st ed.) is given in coins (cn), 10 cn = 1 lb.
The term life span points, given for tents, is used to show
wear and tear on the tent in question. Use subtract 1 pt for each 3 times
it is put up, 1 pt if exposed to high wind, 2 to 4 pts if exposed to rain
fall. Things like hailstorms can take off whatever you like. They can be
repaired in towns by a tailor or the like. For more see page 62 WSG.
The defensive points are just hit points for all consturctions
For more on the defensive point see page 109 DMG 1st ed.
A word on the notes section of the chart. This section was used as a
catch all section.
In the Armor section the note is for base armor class,
the * means AC for haed and neck only, and the +1
is just the shield bonus to base armor class.
In the Weapons section the note is damage vs small and
medium/large (SM/L)
All prices and other information given here is based on rules in one of the
works listed above, some has been changed to suit my needs. Please fill
free to change any and all information given here to suit your needs.
Well I think that is every thing but I am wrong, nothing is ever done.
If anybody has questions or a word on things I missed please tell me.
Just sent me e-mail at CSGIBSON@ECUVM1. Thanks,
PS If anybody could tell me what an earspoon is, see list above, I would
like to know. Later.